Holiday Parenting Tips and Special Occasion Articles by Ann Douglas

Holiday Parenting

Image: VEER/Nailia Schwarz​

Image: VEER/Nailia Schwarz​

New Years

  • Parenting Resolutions: Resolving to do better is great, but remember to cut yourself some slack. Parenting expert Ann Douglas offers encouragement, tips and advice to help turn resolutions into reality.

Valentine's Day

March Break

  • You Are Not Alone: A Survival Guide to March Break: Trade off childcare and activities with a buddy family. Take "me" time no matter what. Bake a lot with them, and worst case, let them get bored and see what they come up with. Presenting a survivor's guide on how to stay unbroken through March Break.

Mother's Day

  • Joy, Grief, Hope: The Mother's Days I'll Never Forget: Years of celebrations have blurred together, but a few still stand out, for good reasons and bad. And so does this lesson: Mothering is hard, but mothers are resilient. You can break our hearts again and again, but we will find our way back to joy.

Family Vacation

Back-to-School Parenting


  • Baby's First Halloween: Why is it that so many sleep-deprived parents choose to participate in a baby-world variation on the debutante ball by introducing the new arrival to the neighbours via trick-or-treating?

Ann Douglas is the author of The Mother of All Parenting Books and numerous other books about pregnancy and parenting